The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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6-15-90, PC-CAI version 2.00 initial release
If you have not already done so, Please register so we may send you
information about updates, corrections and enhancements.
Note:this version will not produce graphics on Hercules-type monitors.
However, there are some inexpensive programs such as SIMCGA that will
allow you to simulate CGA graphics on your Hercules monitor, and will
thus allow you to use the graphic capabilities of this program.
Before beginning to use PC-CAI, please be sure to run the CAI-UTIL
program to set up default drives, colors, and other options for the
editor and for CREATE. Also, be sure to look at the two demo programs called
DEMO and CREATE. You can start these programs at the DOS prompt with the
CAI DEMO (requires CGA compatible monitor)
SAMPLES DISK - When you register for PC-CAI you will get a disk that contains
sample CAI programs and other goodies to help make PC-CAI more exciting. You
are encouraged to send in short programs or pieces of programs, images, etc
that you would like to share with other PC-CAI users. We will place them on
the SAMPLES disk so that others can get ideas of how to use PC-CAI. If your
submission is placed on the disk, you will be sent a free updated copy of the
SAMPLES disk. The disk will be updated periodically to reflect submissions.
Some of the current contents of the disk includes:
- A tutorial on how to use DOS
- A program to produce BIG letters
- A program to translate Print Master graphics into PC-CAI
IMG graphics.
- A sample menu program using the @CASE command.
SAMPLES DISK SUBMISSION FORM:Please fill this out & send with your submission
I am submitting the information in the following files to be used as examples
for the PC-CAI program. I place this information in the public domain which
gives permission for anyone to use these examples as they wish. If my
submission is placed on the SAMPLES disk, I will receive the latest copy of
the SAMPLES disk for my own use.
FILES SUBMITTED:____________________________________________________________
NAME:______________________________________ DATE:___________________________
ADDRESS:____________________________________PHONE#:( )___________________
Please send your disk to TexaSoft, PC-CAI SAMPLES, PO Box 1169, Cedar Hill,
Texas 75104. Thanks.
Some changes in the way CAI was compiled means that the file BRUN40.EXE is no
longer required to run CAI.EXE. However, there are a couple of extra program
files that you need to know about. These are:
CAIPCX.EXE - This file needs to be on disk if the command .PCX is used in a
program. It is the command that allows you to diskplay PCX graphics.
CAIHELP.COM - This file is needed to access the CAI help files (the F1
command when you are in the editor). Also, the file CAI.HLP must be available
for the help to work.
Therefore, to distribute a CAI program, all you need to include on the disk
is the file CAI.EXE. However, if your tutorial uses the .PCX command, you
will also have to include the program CAIPCX.EXE on the disk.
In order to display PCX graphics properly on the screen, they need to match
the .SCREEN command. For example, if your PCX file was created in low
resolution CGA mode, you will need to be in SCREEN 1 mode. High Resolution
CGA mode is SCREEN 2, and EGA color mode is SCREEN 9. These are the only
modes currently supported in PC-CAI. Displaying PCX graphics that were
created in other modes may distort the graphics picture. (SEE CAIPCX
Correction to fix a bug in the GRADE option.
CAIPCX Program Documentation
Purpose:Display a PCX graphic file on the screen. This can be used instead of
the .PCX command in PC-CAI.
The format of the command is:
CAIPCX filename pcxmode,y,x,returnmode,returntype
filename - the name of the PCX graphic file
pcxmode - the mode to be used to display the graph (see mode numbers listed
y - vertical location
x - horizontal location
returnmode - the mode that you want to revert to when then program ends. (see
END NOTE below)
returntype - 0 is text, 1 is graphic. Specifies what type you want to return
to when the program ends (see END NOTE)
If you leave off returnmode and returntype by using the syntax:
CAIPCX filename pcxmode,y,x
the PCX graphic will be displayed and the program will immediatly end,
leaving the graphic on the screen and remaining in the same mode and type.
This is the standard way CAIPCX is used from PC-CAI with the PCX command.
If you include a returnmode and returntype, the PCX grpahic will be displayed
and remain on the screen until a key is pressed. Then the screen will go to
the specified returnmode and returntype.
If you are using one the standard modes within PC-CAI (SCREEN 0, 1 or 9),
then use the .PCX command as described in the PC-CAI manual.
If you want to display a PCX file in another mode, use the
@SHELL command. For example:
Would display the file named TESTPCX in mode 4 (EGA 2 colors) at position
0,0. When a key was pressed, the screen would revert to CGA text mode.
Table of PCX Monitor Modes
0 - 320 x 200 pixel CGA (4 colors)
1 - 640 x 200 pixel CGA (2 colors)
2 - 320 x 200 pixel EGA (16 colors)
3 - 640 x 299 pixel EGA (16 colors)
4 - 640 x 350 pixel EGA (2 colors)
5 - 640 x 350 pixel EGA (16 colors)
6 - 640 x 480 pixel VGA (2 colors)
7 - 640 x 480 pixel VGA (16 colors)
8 - 320 x 200 pixel VGA (256 colors)
9 - 720 x 348 pixel Hercules (2 colors)
10- 800 x 600 pixel Tseng (256 colors)
11- 640 x 350 pixel Tseng (256 colors)
12- 640 x 480 pixel Tseng (256 colors)
13- 800 x 600 pixel Tseng (256 colors)
14- 800 x 600 pixel Paradise (16 colors)
15- 800 x 600 pixel Paradise (2 colors)
16- 640 x 400 pixel Paradise (256 colors)
17- 640 x 480 pixel Paradise (256 colors)
18- 800 x 600 pixel Video 7 (16 colors)
19- 640 x 400 pixel Video 7 (256 colors)
20- 640 x 480 pixel Video 7 (256 colors)
21- 800 x 600 pixel Video 7 (256 colors)
The @RESTORE command zeros out counting for question grading. Thus, if you
have some preliminary questions to ask before starting to keep record, place
the @RESTORE command right before you want to start counting right and wrong
@STOP GO:Label Option:
A new option to the @STOP command is GO:Label. When you use the @STOP command
with the GO:Label option, the program will end, then resume at the label
specified in the GO:Label option. For example:
would cause the program to stop, then begin again at the label named AGAIN.
@CHAIN (*filename*)
This command allows you to exit one PC-CAI program and start another. It
allows you to break your programs into modules and chain from one to another.
For example, suppose you want to leave one PC-CAI program and begin one named
NEWPROG. You can do this with the command
Your old program will be removed from PC-CAI memory, and the new one will be
loaded and run.